Very often by dreaming we imagine it to come true ‘one day’. Usually we don’t know how, where, when or even IF it will become true. It is so far from our ‘now’, that often a dream will stay in the ‘one day’ forever.
‘One day’ often doesn’t have any description and even any relation with us. As a result, we do not move to our dream as it doesn’t have a connection to our reality. All of this might be fine. Sometimes it is good to have dreams only for dreaming.
However. If we want our dream to come true we have to embody ‘one day’.
First, we have to believe that it is possible for us to have it.
Second, we have to know how to measure, how we will know if the dream came true. What actions, situations or signs will let us know that we have reached what we were seeking.
Next, we have to describe ‘one day’ with as many details as possible. In our minds we have to go into the moment it happens and picture it. What is the weather, season, what do we see, how it looks like, how do we feel about it or where we are.
This is how we make a link with our future self from the dream. Then we feel our future and we empower ourselves to take actions and move towards it.